
Entrepreneurs' Platform to Buy, Sell Businesses, Partner and Discuss.

Connecting entrepreneurs all over the places to buy and sell businesses, partner, give and receive support

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Entreplin For

Entreplin is connecting Entrepreneurs all over the places to buy and sell businesses, partner, give and receive support, learn from the success and trail of other entrepreneurs all over the world, discuss and connect

Built for business owners, seasoned entrepreneurs to partner for business growth, join in management of businesses, co-found businesses, collaborate for development of ideas and share insights

Get Started

For your Business Needs Find Help Here.

Do you need to have or you have something you may wish to lend to an entrepreneur? Request or offer your assistance

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Entrepreneurs Open Forum

Join other entrepreneurs on the forum to share business ideas, insights, business success tips, discuss hobbies and network.

Amazing Features that awaits you
on Entreplin

Sale to or Partner With Experts in Your Industry

Do you have an idea that is viable, do you need a partner/co-founders, meet other entrepreneurs on Entreplin to develop the idea

Join Seasoned Entrepreneurs for Open Discussion.

Join other entrepreneurs on the forum to share business ideas, insights, business success tips, discuss hobbies and network.

For your Business Needs Find Help Here.

Entreplin is giving you an opportunity as an entrepreneur to meet well wishers who are willing to support your business to grow for free.

Make Friends with Other Entrepreneurs & Stay Connected

Connect and welcome a fellow who is visiting your city for the first time, host and stay connected as friends

Offer Support to Fellow Entrepreneurs.

Offer your support to entrepreneurs who are finding it difficult to secure all they need for their businesses.

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Why Join Entreplin

It’s been proved that 90 percent of businesses fail along the way due to several reasons which include

Operation funds running out

Lack of research

Non/Bad Partnership

Being in the wrong Market


Do not allow your business fail because of these reasons


Use Entreplin to sell percentage/shares in your business and raise enough fund to run a successful business


Do not stand by and watch the business fail, sell it here or get a partner who is experienced in your industry.

What users says about us

I now use entreplin to find businesses that are for sale in my location. There are some benefits of buying an already established business one which is a goodwill. It's easier with entreplin to find business that are up for sale.

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Emmanuel Nweke

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Entreplin?


Is Entreplin Free?


Must I register to use Entreplin?


Can I use Entreplin from anywhere?


What do I need to access Entreplin?


Who is eligible to use Entreplin?


How do I register on Entreplin?


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